Tag Archive for: taxonomy

Evaluation of biodiversity via DNA-extraction from soil and organism samples taken at permanent soil monitoring sites (MetaSOL)

Germany lacks a nationwide and standardised survey of soil organisms, although a comprehensive infrastructure for such a survey is available with approx. 800 permanent soil monitoring sites (Bodendauer­beobachtungsflächen, BDF). Not all federal states conduct their own soil biology surveys on their permanent soil monitoring sites. The most important reason for this is probably the time-consuming […]

GBIF Information System Soil Zoology. Coordination of national and international assessment for the organism groups Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae (Edaphobase II)

In this joint research project, ECT is responsible for the improvement of existing and the development of new methodological standards regarding collection, storage and usage of data in the German central data base on soil biology, Edaphobase. Besides taxonomy and biogeography the functional role of soil organisms (e.g. via gathering traits of at least the […]

GBIF Information system soil organisms: Coordination for the national and international assessment of the animal groups of Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae

Edaphobase is a database project aiming to bring together information concerning taxonomy and ecology of important soil invertebrate taxa. Data will be extracted from literature, collections and unpublished material from research institutions with a focus on Germany and its neighboring countries. Linking such data on different soil organism groups from several trophic levels with climatic, […]