Analytical chemistry

Analytical verification of actual test concentrations is essential in ecotoxicity studies. With our recently established analytical capacity, we are qualified to provide this important part of our studies in-house for various matrices (e.g., water, sediment, and soil). If needed, the concentration of the test item in aqueous test solutions can be determined on the day of sampling.

Our equipment includes an Agilent 1290 liquid chromatography system coupled with a Sciex Triple Quad 5500+ mass spectrometry system (LC-MS/MS), which is suitable to analyse a wide range of organic molecules among plant protection products, biocides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals.

In case that the test item cannot be quantified by LC-MS/MS, we cooperate with highly experienced external analytical laboratories, continuing the smooth and efficient cooperation of many years. As a last resort for very difficult cases, in-house analysis of total organic carbon (TOC) is available.

During the pre-testing phase of a study, the analytical method (provided by the sponsor or developed in-house) will be established, and initial measurements will be made to guide the design of the definitive ecotoxicity test.

All analytical services can be offered under the conditions of GLP, including validation of analytical methods according to SANTE guidelines (e.g., SANTE/2020/12830). Analytical raw data will be stored under GLP in our new electronic archive.

Chemical analysis: LC-MS/MS

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