Tag Archive for: soil biodiversity

Report published on the evaluation of soil biodiversity via DNA from soil organism samples

Germany still lacks a nationwide and standardised survey of soil organisms, although a comprehensive infrastructure for such a survey is available with approx. 800 permanent soil monitoring sites (Bodendauer­beobachtungsflächen, BDF). At present, not all federal states perform biodiversity surveys on their permanent soil monitoring sites. This is most likely due to the fact that the […]

ECT remains operative during COVID-19 pandemic

ECT remains to be open and operative during the current COVID-19 pandemic. We take thorough precautions to avoid any health impact and risks for ECT employees, meaning the increase of remote work options and practicing social distancing where remote work is not possible. Access to our facilities is strongly restricted and any business travelling on […]

ECT contributes to the SETAC SciCon

In view of the current situation due to Covid-19, the SETAC Europe 30th annual meeting will take place as a virtual meeting (SETAC SciCon). ECT Oekotoxikologie as SETAC Europe partner is contributing to the scientific programme of the SETAC SciCon: In the ‘Soil ecotoxicology’ session, Jörg Römbke is co-author of a talk presented by Kees […]

Jörg Römbke elected as SETAC Fellow

The Fellows Award of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) was created to recognize SETAC members demonstrating both (1) significant long-term scientific or science policy contributions and (2) service and leadership within SETAC. Jörg Römbke has been elected as SETAC fellow in 2019 […]

GBIF Information System Soil Zoology. Coordination of national and international assessment for the organism groups Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae (Edaphobase II)

In this joint research project, ECT is responsible for the improvement of existing and the development of new methodological standards regarding collection, storage and usage of data in the German central data base on soil biology, Edaphobase. Besides taxonomy and biogeography the functional role of soil organisms (e.g. via gathering traits of at least the […]

Development of a classification and assessment concept based on biodiversity of water and soil organisms regarding the effects of climate change and anthropogenic stressors

In July 2008, a new interdisciplinary research centre was founded in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) within the framework of the LOEWE Programme, a State Government of Hesse initiative for the development of scientific and economic excellence. The mission of the new centre (BiK-F) is to carry out internationally outstanding research on the interactions of organismic […]

Determination and analysis of the soil quality in the context of the implementation and further development of the National Strategy on Biodiversity

The aim of this project was the improvement of the preconditions for the protection of the habitat function of soil as described in § 2 of the German Federal Soil Protection Act (1998), in particular in two ways: first, suitable biological indicators (i.e. organism groups) for the assessment of soil quality had to be identified. […]