ECT contributes to the SETAC SciCon
In view of the current situation due to Covid-19, the SETAC Europe 30th annual meeting will take place as a virtual meeting (SETAC SciCon). ECT Oekotoxikologie as SETAC Europe partner is contributing to the scientific programme of the SETAC SciCon:
In the ‘Soil ecotoxicology’ session, Jörg Römbke is co-author of a talk presented by Kees van Gestel summarising the outcome of the SETAC Europe Special Science Symposium (SESSS) 14 on soil biodiversity. He is also co-author of a platform presentation of Björn Scholz-Starke (‘UNCERTAIN decisions in soil risk assessment – standing on solid ground or on feet of clay?’) in the session on ‘Real risks in real soils’. Moreover, he will give an overview of test procedures, the current status and future perspectives for the environmental risk assessment of pesticides in tropical terrestrial ecosystems in the session on ‘Fate, effects and risk assessment procedures for chemicals in tropical and neotropical regions’.
Anja Coors contributes to a poster presentation of Benoit Goussen on a ‘Case study for DEBtox use in environmental risk assessment’ in the session ‘Effect modelling for regulatory environmental risk assessment’.
For further information on the SETAC SciCon see here.