Technical proficiency study for short-term reproduction assay
The fish short-term reproduction assay according to OECD test guideline 229 serves as Level 3 in vivo assay within the OECD Conceptual framework for the testing and assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Laboratories aiming to conduct this assay must demonstrate their ability by performing a technical proficiency study with reference compounds.
ECT has successfully completed such a technical proficiency study with fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) bred inhouse using three reference compounds:
- 17ß-Estradiol as reference for estrogenic activity (increase of blood plasma vitellogenin concentration in male fish)
- Prochloraz as reference for aromatase inhibition (decrease of blood plasma vitellogenin concentration in female fish)
- 17ß-Trenbolone as reference for androgenic activity (tubercle formation in female fish)
The results for all three reference compounds were exactly as expected based on the OECD guidance and OECD validation studies. The performance of control fish in terms of survival and fecundity also demonstrated the capability of ECT to conduct the short-term reproduction assay with P. promelas (see graph).
After the successful completion of the OECD 229 technical proficiency study in 2020, first GLP studies are underway. Please contact us for further information!

For further information on aquatic ecotoxicity tests performed at ECT, see here.