Aquatic Organisms

ECT offers a wide range of aquatic ecotoxicological standard tests under GLP according to OECD, ISO and EPA guidelines. This includes tests with aquatic micro-organisms, algae, higher plants, crustaceans, insects and fish. Most standard test organisms originate from our inhouse cultures. In addition, we have vast experience with establishing cultures in our facilities. We can adapt test designs to the specific requirements of the test substance or the exposure scenario (e.g. perform freshwater algae growth inhibition tests under flow-through conditions with intermittent exposure). Our standard species in fish tests are zebrafish (Danio rerio), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We further develop and conduct tests with non-standard aquatic test organisms and multi-species test systems and are familiar with species sensitivity distributions.

Aquatic Micro-OrganismsGuideline
Activated Sludge, Respiration Inhibition TestOECD 209 (2010)
Determination of the Inhibitory Effect of Water Samples on Light Emission of Vibrio fischeri (Luminescent Bacteria Test)ISO 11348-2 (2007)

Aquatic PlantsGuideline
Freshwater Algae and Cyanobacteria, Growth Inhibition TestOECD 201 (2011)
Freshwater Algal Growth Inhibition Test with Unicellular Green AlgaeISO 8692 (2012)
Algal toxicityOCSPP 850.4500 (2012)
Cyanobacteria (Anabaena flos-aquae) ToxicityOCSPP 850.4550 (2012)
Freshwater Algal Growth Inhibition Test with Unicellular Green Algae on MicroplatesDIN 38412-59 (2022)
Determining the Tolerance of Green Algae to the Toxicity of Waste Water (Scenedesmus Chlorophyll Fluorescence Test) by way of Dilution SeriesDIN 38412-33 (1991)
Lemna sp. Growth Inhibition TestOECD 221 (2006)
Determination of the Toxic Effect of Water Constituents and Waste Water on Duckweed (Lemna minor) – Duckweed Growth Inhibition TestISO 20079 (2005)
Aquatic Plant Toxicity Test Using Lemna spp.OCSPP 850.4400 (2012)
Water-Sediment Myriophyllum spicatum Toxicity TestOECD 239 (2014)
Sediment-Free Myriophyllum spicatum Toxicity TestOECD 238 (2014)
Water-Sediment Glyceria maxima Toxicity TestRing-test Protocol (2022)

Aquatic CrustaceansGuideline
Acute Immobilisation Test (Daphnia magna); non-standard test species on request (e.g. Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia, Daphnia pulex, Daphnia hyalina/galeata) OECD 202 (2004)
Determination of the Inhibition of the Mobility of Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) – Acute Toxicity TestISO 6341 (2012)
Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity Test, Freshwater DaphnidsOCSPP 850.1010 (2016)
Determining the Tolerance of Daphnia to the Toxicity of Waste Water by way of a Dilution SeriesDIN 38412-30 (1989)
Daphnia magna, Reproduction TestOECD 211 (2012)
Determination of Long Term Toxicity of Substances to Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea)ISO 10706 (2000)
Daphnid Chronic Toxicity TestOCSPP 850.1300 (2016)
Ceriodaphnia cf. dubia Reproduction Testbased on ISO 20665 (2008), OECD 211 (2012), EPA-821-R-02-013

Aquatic InsectsGuideline
Chironomus sp., Acute Immobilisation TestOECD 235 (2011)

Fish Embryo, Acute ToxicityOECD 236 (2013)
Determination of the Acute Toxicity of Waste Water to Zebrafish Eggs (Danio rerio)ISO 15088 (2007)
Fish, Short Term Toxicity Test on Embryo and Sac-Fry StagesOECD 212 (1998)
Fish, Acute Toxicity TestOECD 203 (2019)
Fish, Juvenile Growth TestOECD 215 (2000)
Fish, Early-life Stage Toxicity Test (read more)OECD 210 (2013)
Fish, Partial Life-Cycle TestOECD DRP 95 (2008)

Fish (Endocrine Activity)Guideline
Fish, Short-term Reproduction Assay (read more)OECD 229 (2012)
21-day Fish Assay: A Short-Term Screening for Oestrogenic and Androgenic Activity, and Aromatase InhibitionOECD 230 (2009)
Fish, Sexual Development TestOECD 234 (2011)
Fish, Partial Life-Cycle Test with non-standard endpoints on requestOECD DRP 95 (2008)

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