Tag Archive for: environmental risk assessment

Ecotoxicological joint effects of mixtures – relevance and appropriate consideration in the environmental risk assessment of plant protection products and biocides

The aim of this project was to assess the relevance of joint effects related to plant protection products and biocidal products. Based on a general analysis of the concepts of mixture toxicity and their application, as well as a detailed analysis of the current environmental risk assessment schemes and their limitations, options were developed for […]

Investigation of sublethal endpoints in dung organisms as a prerequisite for the implementation of terrestrial ecotoxicological studies within the environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals

The aims of this project were the compilation and publication of the results of workshops with international dung fauna experts (Aveiro group) and the further improvement of existing laboratory tests with dung beetles and dung flies. Two publications were prepared: first, recommendations for the preparation, performance and assessment of field studies with dung organisms, and […]

Environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicines: Are there data gaps and how can the new legal requirement be met?

The most likely entry pathways of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) into the environment are via slurry or manure from intensively reared animals to soil, and via dung or urine from animals grazing on pasture. Surface water may be contaminated via run-off or leaching and drainage, or  by direct excretion of pasture animals into water. According […]

Development of a web-based pesticide risk assessment module for below-ground invertebrates

The overall objective of this project (WEBFRAM-5) was to investigate whether the application of probabilistic methods of uncertainty analysis can improve the risk assessment for effects of pesticides on below-ground invertebrates. The project addressed this objective in two ways: First, analysis of existing pesticide effects data was used to examine which methods of uncertainty analysis […]

Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity (MODELKEY)

The Water Framework Directive of the European Union requires a good ecological status of the European water bodies by 2015. One of the driving forces for an insufficient ecological status and reduced biodiversity of freshwater and marine ecosystems is chemical stress due to environmental pollutants. The project MODELKEY aims to contribute to the assessment, understanding […]

Novel methods for integrated risk assessment of cumulative stressors in Europe (NoMiracle)

NoMiracle (Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of CumuLative stressors in Europe) supports the development and improvement of methodologies, which describe and help to understand combined stressor effects to human health and the environment. In particular, the project studies the transfer of pollutants between different environmental compartments, including how these processes are influenced by natural […]

Environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals (ERAPharm)

The widespread detection of a large variety of pharmaceuticals in the environment has raised concerns about the potential impact of these bioactive substances on the environment. Although research on the fate and effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment has become an important issue and progressed significantly, a number of uncertainties remained. Therefore, the overall aim […]