Tag Archive for: ecology

ECT at the EUROSOIL 2016 congress

ECT contributes to the 5th EUROSOIL Congress (Istanbul, Turkey, 16-21 October 2016):

J. Römbke, J.-J. Ortega-Calvo, J. Harmsen, J.R. Parsons, K.T. Semple: From bioavailability science to regulation of organic chemicals – the role of biological methods. (Platform presentation)

ECT at the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (‘150 Years of ecology – lessons for the future’) is taking place in Marburg, Germany from 05 to 09 September 2016. ECT contributes with the following presentations:

S. Jänsch, J. Römbke, A. Scheffczyk, R.M. Schmelz, U. Burkhardt, A. Toschki: The Edaphobase nationwide field monitoring – a survey of soil oligochaete (Lumbricidae, Enchytraeidae) assemblages in different habitat types in Germany

GBIF Information system soil organisms: Coordination for the national and international assessment of the animal groups of Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae

Edaphobase is a database project aiming to bring together information concerning taxonomy and ecology of important soil invertebrate taxa. Data will be extracted from literature, collections and unpublished material from research institutions with a focus on Germany and its neighboring countries. Linking such data on different soil organism groups from several trophic levels with climatic, […]