Sediment contact tests as tool for the assessment of sediment quality in rivers and lakes (SeKT)

In current bioassay approaches for assessing sediment toxicity, whole organisms or in vitro systems are exposed to various sediment fractions (e.g. whole sediment, pore water, extracts) considering different exposure scenarios. Whole-sediment exposure protocols represent the most realistic scenario. However, until now the interpretation of sediment contact test results is associated with uncertainties due to the […]

Development of a gene expression fish embryo test as an alternative for chronic fish tests: analysis of toxic effects using differential gene expression in the Danio rerio embryo test (Gene-DarT)

Acute and chronic fish tests are performed for the registration of chemicals, pesticides, biocides and pharmaceuticals. While the fish embryo test has been developed as an alternative to the acute fish test, so far no alternatives for chronic fish tests are available. Therefore, the fish embryo test with the zebrafish (Danio rerio) was extended by […]

Soil biota and biogeochemistry in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil – evaluation of diversity and soil function under anthropogenic influence (SOLOBIOMA)

One of the main threats of global biodiversity is the wide destruction of tropical rain forests. However, the portion of secondary forests will continue to increase. For the tropics, data on the recovery of faunal communities in the course of forest regeneration and knowledge on the suitability of secondary forests as refugial areas for old-growth […]

Testing and optimisation of ecotoxicological test methods for routine use (ERNTE)

Despite efforts to include ecotoxicological tests as an integral components of the assessment of contaminated land, most decisions regarding soil remediation or natural attenuation monitoring and/or assessment still rely on the results of chemical residue analyses. The German Federal Soil Protection Act (1998) stipulated the protection of natural soil functions, including the function as habitat […]

Development of a web-based pesticide risk assessment module for below-ground invertebrates

The overall objective of this project (WEBFRAM-5) was to investigate whether the application of probabilistic methods of uncertainty analysis can improve the risk assessment for effects of pesticides on below-ground invertebrates. The project addressed this objective in two ways: First, analysis of existing pesticide effects data was used to examine which methods of uncertainty analysis […]

Ecological function and biodiversity indicators in European soils (EcoFINDERS)

The strategic goal of EcoFINDERS is to provide the EC with tools to design and implement strategies for ensuring sustainable use of soils, including: (1) the characterisation of the biodiversity of European soils, (2) the determination of relations between soil biodiversity, soil functions and ecosystem services, and (3) the design of policy-relevant and cost-effective indicators […]

Communicating environmental impacts on water quality, availability and use (ComEnvir)

The project aims to narrow the gap between environmental research focusing on water (resources, water quality, pollution and biodiversity issues) sponsored by the European Union (EU) and European citizens. The project will communicate results and activities of environmental research with two specific target groups: teachers and students as primary target group, and the general public […]

Optimized strategies for risk assessment of industrial chemicals through integration of non-test and test information (OSIRIS)

OSIRIS (Optimized Strategies for Risk Assessment of Chemicals based on Intelligent Testing) develops integrated testing strategies (ITS) which can be used for the European Union regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) to significantly increase the use of non-testing information for risk assessment of industrial chemicals and regulatory decision making. This includes alternative […]

Cause-effect relations of key pollutants on the European rivers biodiversity (KEYBIOEFFECTS)

The overall objective of the research and training network KEYBIOEFFECTS was to provide young scientists with the skills and knowledge needed to assess the effects of pollution (with specific focus on key pollutants) on the biodiversity of European rivers and to transfer this knowledge to different stakeholder groups. Recognizing the importance of understanding cause-effect relationships […]

Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity (MODELKEY)

The Water Framework Directive of the European Union requires a good ecological status of the European water bodies by 2015. One of the driving forces for an insufficient ecological status and reduced biodiversity of freshwater and marine ecosystems is chemical stress due to environmental pollutants. The project MODELKEY aims to contribute to the assessment, understanding […]