Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT)

ECHA recently announced that the Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT) can fulfil the standard information requirement under REACH for bioaccumulation, unless dietary exposure is required (read more). Thereby, the bioconcentration test (OECD TG 305) with fish will be replaced on a case-by-case basis with a test system that uses freshwater amphipods, i.e. non-vertebrates. A test […]

New publication on TKTD modeling of sublethal endpoints for time‐variable toxicant exposure of Ceriodaphnia

Toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) modeling can integrate all available data from individual‐level bioassays into a single framework and enable refined risk assessments by extrapolating from laboratory results to time‐variable exposure scenarios. Dynamic energy budget (DEB) models coupled with TKTD modules (DEB-TKTD) are an approach to assess and predict sublethal effects of chemicals on individual organisms. However, thorough […]

In-house analytical services

In-house analytical services under GLP are now available at ECT. Analytical verification of actual test concentrations is essential in ecotoxicity studies, and we are now prepared to provide this service in-house.

Report published on the evaluation of soil biodiversity via DNA from soil organism samples

Germany still lacks a nationwide and standardised survey of soil organisms, although a comprehensive infrastructure for such a survey is available with approx. 800 permanent soil monitoring sites (Bodendauer­beobachtungsflächen, BDF). At present, not all federal states perform biodiversity surveys on their permanent soil monitoring sites. This is most likely due to the fact that the […]