ECT at the SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting
ECT is contributing to the SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting ‘One environment. One health. Sustainable societies‘ that takes place in Helsinki, Finland, from May 26th to 30th, 2019. In addition to the presentations and activities indicated below, ECT presents its work at booth number 29.
Sunday, May 26th, 2019
A. Coors is co-chairing the Pharmaceuticals IG Symposium ‘The EU-IMI project intelligence-led assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment (iPiE)’ (13:00–17:30, Session Room 201)
Monday, May 27th, 2019
T. Junker, S. Berkner, R.-A. Duering, S. Fiebig, D. Hennecke, M. Herrchen, S. Konradi, M. Meinerling, U. Merrettig-Bruns, S. Thiele-Bruhn, E. Topp, W. Völkel, J. Römbke: Development of a test method for transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in liquid manure
Poster session: Latest developments and future needs for higher-tier studies, risk assessment and risk management in the regulation of biocides, pesticides and pharmaceuticals (Exhibition hall, MO131)
J. Römbke: SETAC Dung organism toxicity testing interest group
Poster session: Latest developments and future needs for higher-tier studies, risk assessment and risk management in the regulation of biocides, pesticides and pharmaceuticals (Exhibition hall, MO155)
Wednesday, May 29th, 2019
K. Oorts, J. Römbke, J. Brack, B. Förster, S. Jänsch, R. Minati, A. Scheffczyk, D. Rückamp, E. Giese: Implementation of bioavailability in the derivation of soil threshold concentrations for arsenic: linking ecotoxicological data with soil extractable metal concentrations and soil properties
Poster session: Advances in soil ecotoxicology and risk assessment – impact, ecotoxicity tests, and concepts for a retrospective environmental risk assessment (Exhibition hall, WE178)
U. Kühnen, D. Gildemeister, D. Maletzki, C. Polleichner, F. Sacher, A. Coors: Mixtures of antibiotics in wastewater treatment effluents: is there a risk to the aquatic ecosystem?
Poster session: Human health and environmental risk assessment of chemical mixtures: moving towards the non-toxic environment (Exhibition hall, WE021)
Thursday, May 30th, 2019
T. Junker, A. Coors, G. Schüürmann: Compartment-specific screening tools for persistence – potential role and application under REACH
Poster session: New developments in the science of vPvB and PBT assessment (Exhibition hall, TH132)
A. Coors, M. Weil, A.-M. Falkenhain, M. Scheurer, J. Ryan: Effects and concentrations of the ß2-adrenergic agonists salbutamol in fish – do they confirm the fish plasma model?
Poster session: Bridging the gap: maximizing the role of mechanistic approaches (including omics) for better chemical safety decisions across humans and ecosystems (Exhibition hall, TH166)
J.O. Straub, M. Berrera, M.V. Caballero, A. Coors, P. Egeler, D. Gilberg, A. Häner, D. Meinel, A. Muriana, A. Phedonos, T. Singer: Revisiting the mycophenolic acid chronic surface water PNEC in the light of immunotoxicity
Poster session: Bridging the gap: maximizing the role of mechanistic approaches (including omics) for better chemical safety decisions across humans and ecosystems (Exhibition hall, TH167)
For further information on the 29th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting see