Tag Archive for: water/sediment test

Assessing the long-term effects of the selected nanomaterial titanium dioxide – adaptation of testing procedures

Effects of the nanomaterial titanium dioxide NM-105 were studied in a sediment/water system with Lumbriculus variegatus according to OECD test guideline 225. Test media were prepared by mixing NM105 suspensions and the sediment-overlying water. Nominal test concentrations were confirmed by chemical analysis of Ti concentrations in the test media. Effects of titanium dioxide (NM-105) were […]

Sediment contact tests as tool for the assessment of sediment quality in rivers and lakes (SeKT)

In current bioassay approaches for assessing sediment toxicity, whole organisms or in vitro systems are exposed to various sediment fractions (e.g. whole sediment, pore water, extracts) considering different exposure scenarios. Whole-sediment exposure protocols represent the most realistic scenario. However, until now the interpretation of sediment contact test results is associated with uncertainties due to the […]

Cause-effect relations of key pollutants on the European rivers biodiversity (KEYBIOEFFECTS)

The overall objective of the research and training network KEYBIOEFFECTS was to provide young scientists with the skills and knowledge needed to assess the effects of pollution (with specific focus on key pollutants) on the biodiversity of European rivers and to transfer this knowledge to different stakeholder groups. Recognizing the importance of understanding cause-effect relationships […]