Tag Archive for: wastewater

New publication: Prospective environmental risk assessment of mixtures in wastewater treatment plant effluents

The aquatic environment is continually exposed to a complex mixture of chemicals, with effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as one key source. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether environmental risk assessments addressing individual substances are sufficiently protective for such mixtures. Based on a literature review of chemicals reported to occur […]

CNT-based nanoporous membranes for treatment of wastewater and process waters

CNT-based nanoporous membranes with high flux for energy-efficient treatment of wastewater and process waters from natural gas and crude oil processing industries

Carbon nanotubes (CNT) represent an important group in the class of carbon-based nanomaterials. Their physical characteristics make them highly suitable for use in filtration methods, and lab-scaled applications have been very promising. However, large-scale CNT-based nanoporous membranes for application in industrial processes are not yet available. The objective of the present project is the development […]

Rewetted degraded fen peatland site

New publication: Dissipation of micropollutants in a rewetted fen peatland – a field study using treated wastewater

A mixture of treated wastewater and surface water was used to rewet a degraded fen peatland site during a three-year rewetting experiment. Behaviour and effects of micropollutants were studied using hydrological, physico-chemical, microbiological and ecotoxicological monitoring. The highest concentrations of micropollutants in the treated wastewater were found for the pharmaceuticals carbamazepine and diclofenac, some metabolites, […]

Development of an integrated land management for sustainable water and material usage in North-Eastern Germany (ELaN)

Treated wastewater is commonly disposed of in Germany by discharge into surface waters. Within the project ELaN, alternative approaches were investigated for dealing with treated wastewater. Main focus was placed on re-use to recycle valuable nutrients and to help prevent falling water levels in Northeast Germany. In part F (‘Ecotoxicology’) of the project, ECT investigated […]