Tag Archive for: veterinary pharmaceutical
Publication on validation of a method to determine transformation of chemicals in manure
Manure is widely used as a fertilizer and applied to agricultural land. It may contain highly active chemicals like veterinary medicinal products or biocides, which enter the environment by this pathway. This is recognized by several regulatory frameworks, however, a detailed method for examining the transformation of chemicals in manure was lacking. The present publication […]
New test guideline: Anaerobic transformation of chemicals in liquid manure
On 30 June 2022, the OECD published test guideline No. 320: ‘Determining anaerobic transformation of chemicals in liquid manure’. This guideline describes a standardised method to investigate transformation of chemical substances in pig and cattle liquid manure under anaerobic conditions. The experiments are performed to determine the rate of transformation of the test substance, the […]
New publication: Development of a test method for transformation of pharmaceuticals and biocides in manure
Spreading of manure on agricultural soils represents an important pathway by which veterinary medicinal and biocidal products enter the environment. To assess their environmental impact in the context of authorisation processes, experimental testing of transformation of these compounds in manure is considered in regulatory guidance documents. However, there is no standardised experimental test method available […]
Reports published: Harmonisation of environmental exposure assessment for veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides
The aim of the present project was to further develop a draft test guideline for an experimental method to study the transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in cattle and pig liquid manure, and to validate it in an international inter-laboratory comparison (ring test).
Transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in liquid manure
Veterinary medicinal products administered to animals are excreted with urine and faeces. For animals housed in stables, the resulting manure is collected and stored before being spread onto agricultural land. Disinfection products used to sanitize stables are also transferred into the manure. Therefore, the spreading of manure is an important pathway of introducing veterinary medicines, […]
Comparison of the environmental properties of parasiticides and harmonisation of the basis for environmental assessment at the EU level
Avermectin and milbemycin parasiticides have a high toxicity to non-target organisms, are often persistent and may have a potential to bioaccumulate. The present project contributes to filling gaps in the database for a complete environmental risk assessment of these parasiticides. In addition, risk management strategies for parasiticides used in pasture animals were discussed. For ivermectin […]
Development of effective measures to reduce the environmental risk of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals
The environmental risks related to human and veterinary pharmaceuticals have to be assessed according to legal requirements within the authorisation procedures for pharmaceuticals. If a risk for the environment is indicated, risk mitigation measures should be proposed by the applicant and implemented within the risk management. The authorisation of a veterinary pharmaceutical can be refused […]
Investigation of sublethal endpoints in dung organisms as a prerequisite for the implementation of terrestrial ecotoxicological studies within the environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals
The aims of this project were the compilation and publication of the results of workshops with international dung fauna experts (Aveiro group) and the further improvement of existing laboratory tests with dung beetles and dung flies. Two publications were prepared: first, recommendations for the preparation, performance and assessment of field studies with dung organisms, and […]
Environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicines: Are there data gaps and how can the new legal requirement be met?
The most likely entry pathways of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) into the environment are via slurry or manure from intensively reared animals to soil, and via dung or urine from animals grazing on pasture. Surface water may be contaminated via run-off or leaching and drainage, or by direct excretion of pasture animals into water. According […]
About ECT
ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH was founded as a privately owned, independent enterprise in 1993, and joined the SynTech Research Group in November 2021.
In compliance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), we perform standardised ecotoxicological tests in the laboratory as well as at semi-field and field level.
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65439 Flörsheim am Main
Phone: +49 6145 9564-0
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