Tag Archive for: test battery

Evaluation of a biotest battery for the ecotoxicological characterisation of waste: ring test with 60 laboratories from 15 countries

The ecotoxicological characterization of waste is part of its assessment as hazardous or non-hazardous according to the European List of Wastes (LoW, 2000/532/EC) amended by Directive 2008/98/EG and Regulation 2017/997. For this assessment, 15 hazard properties are evaluated. So far, there is no harmonised guidance for evaluation of the hazard property ‘ecotoxic’ (HP 14) using […]

Testing and optimisation of ecotoxicological test methods for routine use (ERNTE)

Despite efforts to include ecotoxicological tests as an integral components of the assessment of contaminated land, most decisions regarding soil remediation or natural attenuation monitoring and/or assessment still rely on the results of chemical residue analyses. The German Federal Soil Protection Act (1998) stipulated the protection of natural soil functions, including the function as habitat […]