Tag Archive for: soil organisms

Development of a classification and assessment concept based on biodiversity of water and soil organisms regarding the effects of climate change and anthropogenic stressors

In July 2008, a new interdisciplinary research centre was founded in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) within the framework of the LOEWE Programme, a State Government of Hesse initiative for the development of scientific and economic excellence. The mission of the new centre (BiK-F) is to carry out internationally outstanding research on the interactions of organismic […]

Determination and analysis of the soil quality in the context of the implementation and further development of the National Strategy on Biodiversity

The aim of this project was the improvement of the preconditions for the protection of the habitat function of soil as described in § 2 of the German Federal Soil Protection Act (1998), in particular in two ways: first, suitable biological indicators (i.e. organism groups) for the assessment of soil quality had to be identified. […]

GBIF Information system soil organisms: Coordination for the national and international assessment of the animal groups of Lumbricidae and Enchytraeidae

Edaphobase is a database project aiming to bring together information concerning taxonomy and ecology of important soil invertebrate taxa. Data will be extracted from literature, collections and unpublished material from research institutions with a focus on Germany and its neighboring countries. Linking such data on different soil organism groups from several trophic levels with climatic, […]