Tag Archive for: risk management

Comparison of the environmental properties of parasiticides and harmonisation of the basis for environmental assessment at the EU level

Avermectin and milbemycin parasiticides have a high toxicity to non-target organisms, are often persistent and may have a potential to bioaccumulate. The present project contributes to filling gaps in the database for a complete environmental risk assessment of these parasiticides. In addition, risk management strategies for parasiticides used in pasture animals were discussed. For ivermectin […]

Development of effective measures to reduce the environmental risk of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals

The environmental risks related to human and veterinary pharmaceuticals have to be assessed according to legal requirements within the authorisation procedures for pharmaceuticals. If a risk for the environment is indicated, risk mitigation measures should be proposed by the applicant and implemented within the risk management. The authorisation of a veterinary pharmaceutical can be refused […]