Tag Archive for: pharmaceuticals

New publication: Minimizing experimental testing on fish for legacy pharmaceuticals

Lead by Anja Coors, a team of partners in the IMI-funded project ‘Prioritisation and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment’ (PREMIER) developed and recently published a decision tree that shall help to minimize animal testing within PREMIER and beyond. The risk-driven decision tree uses a combination of experimental testing with non-vertebrates and a fish-specific […]

Publication on pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers

ECT contributed to a recently published global reconnaissance of pharmaceutical pollution in rivers. Reaching out to colleagues globally and engaging them in a world-wide sampling campaign, the team around John Wilkinson and Alistair Boxall from the University of York measured the concentrations of 61 pharmaceuticals in 258 rivers, representing 1,052 locations in 104 countries across […]

New project started: ‘Prioritisation and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment’ (PREMIER)

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project PREMIER aims to develop a centralised, user-friendly digital assessment system accessible for all relevant stakeholders. PREMIER will also explore options to incorporate environment considerations earlier in the drug development process to inform drug design and to reduce the need of animal testing. ECT is involved in this project as […]

Prioritisation and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment (PREMIER)

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project ‘Prioritisation and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment’ (PREMIER) aims to develop a centralised, user-friendly and transparent digital assessment system accessible for all relevant stakeholders such as regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical industry, water managers and environmental non-governmental organisations. Furthermore, PREMIER will explore the options to incorporate environment considerations earlier […]

New publication: Development of a test method for transformation of pharmaceuticals and biocides in manure

Spreading of manure on agricultural soils represents an important pathway by which veterinary medicinal and biocidal products enter the environment. To assess their environmental impact in the context of authorisation processes, experimental testing of transformation of these compounds in manure is considered in regulatory guidance documents. However, there is no standardised experimental test method available […]

Conference ‘New approaches for prioritisation and assessment of the risks of pharmaceuticals in the environment’

The two-day international conference ‘New approaches for prioritisation and assessment of the risks of pharmaceuticals in the environment’ will mark the end of the IMI-funded project ‘Intelligence-led assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment’ (iPiE). The conference will take place on 24-25 June 2019 at the University of York (UK). It will provide an overview on […]

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Presentation of the iPiE project at the SETAC Europe meeting

The project Intelligence-led assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment (iPiE) will be presented at the SETAC Europe Annual Meeting in Helsinki, at a symposium organised by the SETAC Europe Pharmaceutical Interest Group. The symposium will take place on Sunday, 26 May 2019 (13:00 – 17:30). Its aim is to present the iPiE project in detail […]

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Interview with Anja Coors in the current iPiE Newsletter

ECT is involved in the project ‘Intelligence-led assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment’ (iPiE).  This project contributes to developing frameworks for intelligence-based environmental testing of pharmaceuticals and for prioritising legacy pharmaceuticals for targeted environmental risk assessment and environmental (bio-) monitoring. The current project newsletter (Newsletter No 6) features an interview with Anja Coors, who leads […]