Tag Archive for: Hyalella azteca

Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT)

ECHA recently announced that the Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT) can fulfil the standard information requirement under REACH for bioaccumulation, unless dietary exposure is required (read more). Thereby, the bioconcentration test (OECD TG 305) with fish will be replaced on a case-by-case basis with a test system that uses freshwater amphipods, i.e. non-vertebrates. A test […]

New publication: Effects of oxidized Carbo-Iron on the amphipod Hyalella azteca

For in situ remediation of groundwater contaminated by halogenated hydrocarbons Carbo-Iron®, a composite of microscale activated carbon and nano Fe0, was developed. Against the background of the intended release of Carbo-Iron into the environment in concentrations in the g/L-range, potential ecotoxicological consequences were evaluated in the present study