Tag Archive for: endocrine activity

ECT contributes to the 4th EMCEI Conference

The 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI) takes place on 01-04 November 2022 in Sousse, Tunisia. Its main objective is to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and to foster collaboration among Euro-Mediterranean communities. Jörg Römbke contributes with the following plenary presentation to the EMCEI conference: J. Römbke, R. Schmelz, A. Van der Veen, […]

Review and enhancement of new risk assessment concepts under REACH

Within REACH, it is possible to waive standard tests that would be required for a chemical, if the available information from other tests and / or non-testing information (e.g. QSARs, grouping, read across) is considered sufficient to draw a reliable conclusion on the endpoint of concern. This concept is described as non-testing approach in the […]

Relevance of endocrine disrupting substances and pharmaceuticals for surface waters – Reassessment of occurrence, development of concepts for monitoring and measures to reduce entry into surface waters

The aim of the project was to evaluate the environmental relevance of potential endocrine disrupters in surface waters by comparing measured concentrations of the respective substances to newly proposed environmental quality standards (EQS). As a key action of the  European Commission’s strategy for endocrine disrupting chemicals, 564 potential endocrine disrupters had been listed. Further 88 […]