Tag Archive for: bioaccumulation

Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT)

ECHA recently announced that the Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT) can fulfil the standard information requirement under REACH for bioaccumulation, unless dietary exposure is required (read more). Thereby, the bioconcentration test (OECD TG 305) with fish will be replaced on a case-by-case basis with a test system that uses freshwater amphipods, i.e. non-vertebrates. A test […]

Comparison of the environmental properties of parasiticides and harmonisation of the basis for environmental assessment at the EU level

Avermectin and milbemycin parasiticides have a high toxicity to non-target organisms, are often persistent and may have a potential to bioaccumulate. The present project contributes to filling gaps in the database for a complete environmental risk assessment of these parasiticides. In addition, risk management strategies for parasiticides used in pasture animals were discussed. For ivermectin […]

Cause-effect relations of key pollutants on the European rivers biodiversity (KEYBIOEFFECTS)

The overall objective of the research and training network KEYBIOEFFECTS was to provide young scientists with the skills and knowledge needed to assess the effects of pollution (with specific focus on key pollutants) on the biodiversity of European rivers and to transfer this knowledge to different stakeholder groups. Recognizing the importance of understanding cause-effect relationships […]