Tag Archive for: aquatic toxicity

New publication on TKTD modeling of sublethal endpoints for time‐variable toxicant exposure of Ceriodaphnia

Toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) modeling can integrate all available data from individual‐level bioassays into a single framework and enable refined risk assessments by extrapolating from laboratory results to time‐variable exposure scenarios. Dynamic energy budget (DEB) models coupled with TKTD modules (DEB-TKTD) are an approach to assess and predict sublethal effects of chemicals on individual organisms. However, thorough […]

New publication: Minimizing experimental testing on fish for legacy pharmaceuticals

Lead by Anja Coors, a team of partners in the IMI-funded project ‘Prioritisation and risk evaluation of medicines in the environment’ (PREMIER) developed and recently published a decision tree that shall help to minimize animal testing within PREMIER and beyond. The risk-driven decision tree uses a combination of experimental testing with non-vertebrates and a fish-specific […]