Publications on pharmaceuticals in the environment
Coors, A., Brown, A.R., Maynard, S.K., Nimrod Perkins, A., Owen, S., Tyler, C.R. (2023). Minimizing experimental testing on fish for legacy pharmaceuticals. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 1721-1730. [read more]
Coors, A., Falkenhain, A.M., Scheurer, M., Länge, R. (2022). Evidence for specific receptor-mediated toxicity of pharmaceuticals in aquatic organisms derived from acute and chronic standard endpoints. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 41, 601-613. [read more]
Wilkinson, J.L. et al. (2022). Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2113947119. [read more] [see full reference with all contributors]
Junker, T., Atorf, C., Berkner, S., Düring, R.-A., Hennecke, D., Herrchen, M., Konradi, S., Merrettig-Bruns, U., Römbke, J., Wagner, J., Weinfurtner, K. (2020). Development of a test method for transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in anaerobic liquid manure. Environmental Sciences Europe 32:39. [read more]
Guimarães, B., Maria, V.L., Römbke, J., Amorim, M.J.B. (2019). Multigenerational exposure of Folsomia candida to ivermectin – using avoidance, survival, reproduction, size and cellular markers as endpoints. Geoderma 337, 273-279. [read more]
Schlüter-Vorberg, L., Coors, A. (2019). Impact of an immunosuppressive human pharmaceutical on the interaction of a bacterial parasite and its invertebrate host. Aquatic Toxicology 206, 91-101. [read more]
Weil, M., Falkenhain, A.-M., Scheurer, M., Ryan, J.J., Coors, A. (2019). Uptake and effects of the beta‐adrenergic agonist salbutamol in fish: supporting evidence for the fish plasma model. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 38, 2509-2519. [read more]
Römbke, J., Duis, K. (2018). Proposal for a monitoring concept for veterinary medicinal products with PBT properties, using parasiticides as a case study. Toxics 6(1):14. [read more]
Adler, N., Bachmann, J., Blanckenhorn, J., Floate, K.F., Jensen, J., Römbke, J. (2016). Effects of ivermectin application on the diversity and function of dung and soil fauna: regulatory and scientific background information. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 35, 1914-1923. [read more]
Floate, K.D., Dühring, R-A., Hanafi, J., Jud, P., Lahr, J., Lumaret, J-P., Scheffczyk, A., Tixier, T., Wohde, M., Römbke, J., Sautot, L., Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2016). Validation of a standard field test method in four countries to assess the toxicity of residues in dung of cattle treated with veterinary medical products. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 35, 1934-1946. [read more]
Richter, E., Berkner, S., Ebert, I., Förster, B., Graf, N., Herrchen, M., Kühnen, U, Römbke, J., Simon, M. (2016). Results of extended plant tests using more realistic exposure scenarios for improving environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals. Environmental Sciences Europe 28:22. [read more]
Richter, E., Roller, E., Kunkel, U., Ternes, T.A., Coors, A. (2016). Phytotoxicity of wastewater-born micropollutants – characterisation of three antimycotics and a cationic surfactant. Environmental Pollution 208, 512-522. [read more]
Scheffczyk, A., Floate, K., Blanckenhorn, W., Dühring, R.-A., Klockner, A., Lahr, J., Lumaret, J-B., Salamon, J.-A., Tixier, T., Wohde, M., Römbke, J. (2016). Non-target effects of ivermectin residues on earthworms and springtails dwelling beneath dung of treated cattle: examination in a ringtest in four countries. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 35, 1959-1969. [read more]
Tixier, T., Blanckenhorn, W.U., Lahr, J., Floate, K., Scheffczyk, A., Düring, R.A., Wohde, M., Römbke, J., Lumaret, J.P. (2016). A four-country ring test of non-target effects of ivermectin residues on the function of coprophilous communities of arthropods in breaking down livestock dung. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 35, 1953-1958. [read more]
Wohde, M., Berkner, S., Junker, T., Konradi, S., Schwarz, L., Düring, R.-A. (2016). Occurrence and transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in manure: a literature review. Environmental Sciences Europe 28:23. [read more]
Wohde, M., Blanckenhorn, W.U., Floate, K., Lahr, J., Lumaret, J-P., Römbke, J., Scheffczyk, A., Tixier, T., Düring, R-A. (2016). Analysis and dissipation of the antiparasitic agent ivermectin in cattle dung under different field conditions. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 35, 1924-1933. [read more]
Brandt, K.K., Amézquita, A., Backhaus, T., Boxall, A., Coors, A., Heberer, T., Lawrence, J.R., Lazorchak, J., Schönfeld, J., Snape, J.R., Zhu, Y.G., Topp, E. (2015). Ecotoxicological assessment of antibiotics: a call for improved consideration of microorganisms. Environment International 85, 189-205.
Schlüter-Vorberg, L., Prasse, C., Ternes, T.A., Mückter, H., Coors, A. (2015). Toxification by transformation in conventional and advanced wastewater treatment: the antiviral drug acyclovir. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2 (12), 342-346. [read more]
Liebig, M., Floeter, C., Hahn, T., Koch, W., Wenzel, A., Römbke, J. (2014). Risk mitigation measures – an important aspect of the environmental risk assessment of human and veterinary medicinal products. Toxics 2, 35-49.
Puniamoorthya, N., Schäfer, M., Römbke, J., Meier, R., Blanckenhorn, W.U (2014). Ivermectin sensitivity is an ancient trait affecting all Ecysozoa but shows phylogenetic clustering among sepsid flies. Evolutionary Applications 7, 548-554.
Adler, N., Bachmann, J., Römbke, J. (2013). New test strategy for dung beetles during the authorization process of parasiticides. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 9, 524-530.
Ashbolt, N.J., Amézquita, A., Backhaus, T., Borriello, P., Brandt, K.K., Collignon, P., Coors, A., Finley, R., Gaze, W.H., Heberer, T., Lawrence, J.R., Larsson, D.G., McEwen, S.A., Ryan, J.J., Schönfeld, J., Silley, P., Snape, J.R., Van den Eede, C., Topp, E. (2013). Human health risk assessment (HHRA) for environmental development and transfer of antibiotic resistance. Environmental Health Perspectives 121, 993-1001. [read more]
Blanckenhorn, W.U., Puniamoorthy, N., Scheffczyk, A., Römbke, J. (2013). Evaluation of ecotoxicological effects of the parasiticide moxidectin in comparison to ivermectin in 11 species of dung flies. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 89, 15-20.
Blanckenhorn, W.U., Puniamoorthy, N., Schäfer, M.A., Scheffczyk, A., Römbke, J. (2013). Standardized laboratory tests with 21 species of temperate and tropical sepsid flies confirm their suitability as bioassays of pharmaceutical residues (ivermectin) in cattle dung. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 89, 21-28.
Boxall, A.B.A., Rudd, M.A., Brooks, B.W., Caldwell, D.J., Choi, K., Hickmann, S., Innes, E., Ostapyk, K., Staveley, J.P., Verslycke, T., Ankley, G.T., Beazley, K.F., Belanger, S.E., Berninger, J.P., Carriquiriborde, P., Coors, A., DeLeo, P.C., Dyer, S.D., Ericson, J.F., Gagné, F., Giesy, J.P., Gouin, T., Hallstrom, L., Karlsson, M.V., Larsson, D.G.J., Lazorchak, J.M., Mastrocco, F., McLaughlin, A., McMaster, M.E., Meyerhoff, R.D., Moore, R., Parrott, J.L., Snape, J.R., Murray-Smith, R., Servos, M.R., Sibley, P.K., Straub, J.O., Szabo, N.D., Topp, E., Tetreault, G.R., Trudeau, V.L., Van Der Kraak, G. (2012). Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment: what are the big questions? Environmental Health Perspectives 120, 1221-1229.
Lumaret, J-P., Errouissi, F., Floate, K., Römbke, J., Wardhaugh, K. (2012). A review on the toxicity and non-target effects of macrocyclic lactones in the terrestrial and aquatic environment. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 13, 1004-1060.
Förster, B., Boxall, A., Coors, A., Jensen, J., Liebig, M., Pope, L., Moser, T., Römbke, J. (2011). Fate and effects of ivermectin on soil invertebrates in terrestrial model ecosystems. Ecotoxicology 20, 234-245.
Egeler, P., Gilberg, D., Fink, G., Duis, K. (2010). Chronic toxicity of ivermectin to the benthic invertebrates Chironomus riparius and Lumbriculus variegatus. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10, 368-376.
Küster, A., Alder, A.C., Escher, B., Duis, K., Fenner, K., Garric, J., Hutchinson, T.H., Lapen, D.R., Péry, A., Römbke, J., Snape, J., Ternes, T., Topp, E., Wehrhan, A., Knacker, T. (2010). Environmental risk assessment of human pharmaceuticals in the European Union – a case study with the β-blocker atenolol. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (Suppl. 1), 514-523.
Liebig, M., Alonso Fernandez, Á., Blübaum-Gronau, E., Boxall, A., Brinke, M., Carbonell, G., Egeler, P., Fenner, K., Fernandez, C., Fink, G., Garric, J., Halling-Sørensen, B., Knacker, T., Krogh, K.A., Küster, A., Löffler, D., Porcel Cots, M.Á., Pope, L., Prasse, C., Römbke, J., Rönnefahrt, I., Schneider, M.K., Schweitzer, N., Tarazona, J.V., Ternes, T.A., Traunspurger, W., Wehrhan, A., Duis, K. (2010). Environmental risk assessment of ivermectin: a case study. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (Suppl. 1), 567-587.
Oakes, K.D., Coors, A., Escher, B., Fenner, K., Garric, J., Gust, M., Knacker, T., Küster, A., Kussatz, C., Metcalfe, C.D., Monteiro, S., Moon, T.W., Mennigen, J.A., Parrott, J., Péry, A.R.R., Ramil, M., Roennefahrt, I., Tarazona, J.V., Sanchez Arguello, P., Ternes, T., Trudeau, V.L., Boucard, T., Van Der Kraak, G.J., Servos, M.R. (2010). Environmental risk assessment for the serotonin re-uptake inhibitor fluoxetine: case study using the European risk assessment framework. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (Suppl. 1), 524-539.
Römbke, J., Krogh, K.A., Moser, T., Scheffczyk, A., Liebig, M. (2010). Effects of the veterinary pharmaceutical ivermectin on soil invertebrates in laboratory tests. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58, 332-340.
Römbke, J., Coors, A., Alonso Fernández, A., Förster, B., Fernández, C., Jensen, J., Lumaret, J.-P., Porcel Cots, M.A., Liebig, M. (2010). Effects of the parasiticide ivermectin on the structure and function of dung and soil invertebrate communities in the field (Madrid, Spain). Applied Soil Ecology 45, 284-292.
Römbke, J., Barrett, K., Blanckenhorn, W.U., Hargreaves, T., Kadiri, N., Knäbe, S., Lehmhus, J., Lumaret, J.-P., Rosenkranz, B., Scheffczyk, A., Sekine, T. (2010). Results of an international ring test with the dung fly Musca autumnalis in support of a new OECD test guideline. Science of the Total Environment 408, 4102-4106.
Schmitt, H., Boucard, T., Garric, J., Jensen, J., Parrott, J., Péry, A., Römbke, J., Straub, J.O., Hutchinson, T.H., Sánchez-Argüello, P., Wenmalm, Å., Duis, K. (2010). Recommendations on the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals – effect characterization. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (Suppl. 1), 588-602.
Schweitzer, N., Fink, G., Ternes, T.A., Duis, K. (2010). Effects of ivermectin-spiked cattle dung on a water-sediment system with the aquatic invertebrates Daphnia magna and Chironomus riparius. Aquatic Toxicology 97, 304-313.
Slootweg, T., Alvinerie, M., Egeler, P., Gilberg, D., Kukkonen, J.V.K., Oehlmann, J., Prasse, C., Sormunen, A.J., Liebig M. (2010): Bioaccumulation of ivermectin from natural and artificial sediments in the benthic organism Lumbriculus variegatus. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10, 1611-1622.
Tarazona, J.V., Escher, B.I., Giltrow, E., Sumpter, J.P., Knacker, T. (2010). Targeting the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals: facts and fantasies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (Suppl. 1), 603-613.
Römbke, J., Floate, K.D., Jochmann, R., Schäfer, M.A., Puniamoorthy, N., Knäbe, S., Lehmhus, J., Rosenkranz, B., Scheffczyk, A., Schmidt, T., Sharples, A., Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2009). Lethal and sublethal toxic effects of a test chemical (ivermectin) on the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria) based on a standardized international ring test. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 28, 2117-2124.
Kools, S.A.E., Boxall, A.B.A., Moltmann, J.F., Bryning, G., Koschorrek, J., Knacker, T. (2008). A ranking of European veterinary medicines based on environmental risks. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 4, 399-408.
Garric, J., Vollat, B., Duis, K., Péry, A., Junker, T., Ramil, M., Fink, G., Ternes, T.A. (2007). Effects of the parasiticide ivermectin on the cladoceran Daphnia magna and the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Chemosphere 69, 903-910.
Lumaret, J.-P., Alvinerie, M., Hempel, H., Schallnass, H.-J., Claret, D., Römbke, J. (2007). New screening test to predict the potential impact of ivermectin-contaminated cattle dung on dung beetles. Veterinary Research 38, 15-24.
Römbke, J., Hempel, H., Scheffczyk, A., Schallnaß, H.-J., Alvinerie, M., Lumaret, J.-P. (2007). Environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals: development of a standard laboratory test with the dung beetle Aphodius constans. Chemosphere 70, 57-64.
Hempel, H., Scheffczyk, A., Schallnass, H.-J., Lumaret, J.-P., Alvinerie, M., Römbke, J. (2006). Effects of four veterinary pharmaceuticals on the dung beetle Aphodius constans in the laboratory. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 25, 3155-3163.
Junker, T., Alexy, R., Knacker, T., Kümmerer, K. (2006). Biodegradability of 14C-labeled antibiotics in a modified laboratory scale sewage treatment plant at environmentally relevant concentrations. Environmental Science and Technology 40, 318-324.
Liebig, M., Moltmann, J.F., Knacker, T. (2006). Evaluation of measured and predicted environmental concentrations of selected human pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 13, 110-119.
Knacker, T., Duis, K., Ternes, T., Fenner, K., Escher, B., Schmitt, H., Römbke, J., Garric, J., Hutchinson, T., Boxall, A.B.A. (2005). The EU-project ERAPharm. Incentives for the further development of guidance documents? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 12, 62-65.
Liebig, M., Egeler, P., Oehlmann, J., Knacker, T. (2005). Bioaccumulation of 14C-17α-ethinylestradiol by the aquatic oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus in spiked artificial sediment. Chemosphere 59, 271-280.
Löffler, D., Römbke, J., Meller, M., Ternes, T. (2005). Environmental fate of pharmaceuticals in water/sediment systems. Environmental Science and Technology 39, 5209-5218.
Van den Brink, P.J., Tarazona, J.V., Solomon, K.R., Knacker, T., Van den Brink, N.W., Brock, T.C.M., Hoogland, J.P. (2005). The use of terrestrial and aquatic microcosms and mesocosms for the ecological risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 24, 820-829.