Publication on test strategy for dung beetles during the authorisation process of parasiticides
According to European legislation, an environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products for dung fauna is required for parasiticides used to treat pasture animals. In the past, the demonstration of environmental safety of those parasiticides for dung fauna was hampered by the fact that no standardised tests were available. Therefore, test systems for evaluating effects on the mortality of dung fly and dung beetle larvae were developed and published by the OECD in 2008 and 2010. If a risk is identified for dung organisms in phase II Tier A of the environmental risk assessment process, further tests are required in Tier B. So far, however, no advice is given for such studies in the existing guidelines. Therefore, four workshops took place between 2007 and 2009 with international dung fauna experts to identify an appropriate test strategy for dung fauna organisms beyond Tier A mortality testing. Tier B extended laboratory test approaches for dung beetles and test strategies for scenarios beyond Tier B are described in more detail. Options for Tier C (i.e. field studies) or Tier D (modelling) are briefly presented.
Adler, N., Bachmann, J., Römbke, J. (2013). New test strategy for dung beetles during the authorization process of parasiticides. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 9, 524-530.