Presentation of the iPiE project at the SETAC Europe meeting
The project Intelligence-led assessment of pharmaceuticals in the environment (iPiE) will be presented at the SETAC Europe Annual Meeting in Helsinki, at a symposium organised by the SETAC Europe Pharmaceutical Interest Group. The symposium will take place on Sunday, 26 May 2019 (13:00 – 17:30). Its aim is to present the iPiE project in detail and to describe the software system and associated predictive tools that can be used in early development programmes for new compounds and for prioritising legacy products for experimental testing.
The symposium will focus on the iPiE database, the exposure model and the ecodrug database developed during the project. It also includes a practical demonstration with the IPIEsys tool for users of models.
The symposium will be chaired by Gerd Maack (German Environment Agency), Jason Snape (AstraZeneca), Alistair Boxall (University of York), Reinhard Länge (Bayer AG) and Anja Coors (ECT).
For further information on the symposium, see here.
Additional information on the iPiE project can be found on the project website. For further information on ECT’s contribution to iPiE, see here.