Our expert team for services around biocidal products is experienced in preparing and reviewing dossier documents according to the Biocidal Product Regulation (BPR, Regulation EU 528/2012), and closely follows any updates of the relevant documents such as guidance documents, the Technical Agreements for Biocides (TAB), and the appropriate emission scenario documents (ESD) in combination with tools such as the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES).
While ECT is specialized in the areas of ecotoxicology and environmental fate, our affiliated partner GAB Consulting provides consultancy support for complete dossier preparation and registration services.
Services around biocide registration:
- Identification of the product type and specific information requirements
- Data mining, data gap analysis and literature search
- Dossier preparation, data management, evaluation and reporting with IUCLID 6
- Performing of the required ecotoxicological and environmental fate studies
- Specifying exposure scenarios and conducting the environmental risk assessment
- Assessment of substances of very high concern (SVHC): PBT, vPvB, endocrine disruptors, and equivalent level of concern
- Classification, Packaging & Labelling (CLP) according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
- Communication with the competent authority (pre- and post-submission)
- Project coordination and communication with all participants
- Submission of the dossier documents to the competent authorities